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10:10 AM |

Which means as I sit here, the news is on the TV in front of me, I’m flipping between this page and one of six news sites I visit daily and I turn my brain from being entertained by news stories to thinking of possible story angles to cover.
Yesterday was my last first day of school, preceded by my last summer sans responsibility, which is more than a little daunting to think about. In eight months, when people ask what my plans are, I won’t be able to fall back on my default answer of four years past, “Well, I’m a journalism and law student, and I’m working an internship at…” Now it’s all about what news agencies I’m lining up contacts at, where I’d like to work, what line of work I’d like to do and a whole slew of answers that require me to think about really growing up.
I guess I’m at a Britney Spears moment, you know, “I’m not a girl not yet a women,” hahaha oh man even I cringe at that analogy. But still, as I sit here in a surf shop T-Shirt and corduroy pants, the transition to 9-5, five day a week office suits and leather briefcases seems like something that won’t happen for a really long time. But, as my prof reminded us today, the next eight months will go by faster than any of the previous years, because we have a big goal to race towards at the end. She said this right after I coined my new motto, “A’s or C’s, we get degrees” with my journalism buddies.
So I‘m getting into the swing of late nights, harrowed undereye bags and hair-pulling deadlines as I hit the ground running for my final year of journalism school. I’ve got a lot of courses that emphasize political and online reporting, mixed in with some interesting law courses to round out my year to G-Day in 42 weeks. (That’s graduation day) So a short post today, as I must return to organizing my notebooks, ordering my textbooks and finding my political contact phone book amidst last year’s notes.