Stroke Leaves Canadian with New Accent
11:54 AM |
I had to read the article under this headline to believe it. Not that one can believe everything reported. Believe it or not, I understand that journalists can get things wrong, especially initial reports. Anyway, this sounds crazy doesn’t it? Waking up from a stroke with an accent from a locale you’ve never visited? I guess if you’re going to acquire an accent, a Newfie one wouldn’t be the worst. I think I’d want a Spanish one, like Penelope Cruz.
The article made me think of the life skills teacher at our school, who is a Newf with a very thick accent. I thought it was hilarious this guy was working with kids whose own speech patterns and communication skills were extremely delayed and regressive. The poor angry kids who are spoken to by a guy spouting words so fast and in so thick an accent they don’t know if they’re getting lectured, punished or praised. (Many also lack the skills to correctly interpret tone of voice, though they certainly have good days)
That teacher retired this year, and told me he was thinking about taking a speech pathology position up in a remote community called Old Crow. Goodness gracious, who comes up with these ideas?
