Yukon Show and Tell
10:08 AM |
This week, the kids in one of the younger classes were asked to bring in pictures and items from home that describe them. A standard “get to know you” activity in most primary ed classes, no? But in the Yukon, the show and tell plays out a little different from down South…
Little Kyle (not real name) stands up and holds out his slingshot.
“I got this from Santa for Christmas. It’s my slingshot.”
Ooohs and Ahhs.
“I use it to shoot grouse with my grandpa.”
He then needs a little prodding from the teacher to expand.
“Well, one time I shot a moose in the eye with my slingshot and then the eye exploded.”
The class erupted in fascinated large eyes and smiles.
“And one time I shot a porcupine and the quills stuck out and I was happy. The end.”
This wouldn’t phase anyone up here, except that they would maybe remark that this little boy’s family is doing a great job teaching him to hunt and live off the land. But can you imagine such an exchange in an Ottawa elementary school?