Because You're Worth It
7:09 AM |
I woke up early again this morning for yoga and found myself with an extra 10 minutes to arrange my hair, makeup and choose an outfit. Feeling joy for this extra 10 minutes may seem shallow. I could have devoted it to writing my mom e-mail, or preparing an especially healthy lunch. Instead I chose to devote it to my appearance, and let me tell you why.
I listened to my fave morning songs (London Skies, Clocks, Baby it’s you by Jojo) and arranged my hair in a strategically messy bun atop my head. I chose my pants and tank top that make me look like I’m going to a dance class (at least that’s how they make me feel) and covered my top with a pale pink see through cinch shirt. I took time to do my makeup, because I usually rush through and finish thinking, “Well, Ill just wear my glasses to cover it up.”
When I walked into work, greeted by my jeans-clad colleagues, some asked if I had a luncheon to attend later, or what the ‘special occasion’ was. I felt shiny and new when I received their compliments. And I said thank you. I didn’t bash because I knew if I looked as good as I felt, they were being honest.
I felt good being wrapped up in carefully selected clothes, attentively created hair, smelling of my perfume.
It has really been a morning where I understood the value of putting your best face forward. It felt good to have put effort into my appearance, and not as a mask to hidden insecurities or secret sad feelings, but as a reflection o how good I felt. Club nights and job interviews are key situations where attention to appearance detail is necessary, but this morning I realized that it is fun and renewing even to look nice “just because.”
Note, I did not wear super expensive clothes, (because in my current rent money bills situation I have little extra, after drinking money), I just felt good in my own stuff. I’m never sure how anyone reading my posts will react because it all makes crystal clear sense to me. Whatever your reaction, I challenge you to experience how much better you feel knowing you’re leaving the house looking the best you could for the wonderful world you enter.